Wednesday 30 November 2011

Another swap and a finish!

My Gorgeous new Table Runner!!!!!!

Last week I received the most beautiful Table runner in the Modern Christmas Table Runner Swap, hosted my my lovely Pal Susan. This gorgeous runner was made by Kay Shocking Hocking and sent all the way from Australia! I love it and it's out on permanent display on my bookshelves. Thankyou so much Kay :)

Modern Christmas Table Runner Finished!

The runner that I made is still on route to my partner and hopefully will be there soon!

This week I've been working on Christmas gifts, but I finally managed to finish my Summer Sampler Quilt. I really struggled with how to finish this quilt. I wanted to put a border on to make it bigger, but couldn't decide what I wanted, and I didn't have a clue how I wanted to quilt it.

Summer Sampler Quilt Finished!

My lovely friend who is the new owner of my Across the Sea Quilt asked me if I could make a quilt for her Mum's Christmas. I showed her a few options and she chose my half-finished Summer Sampler. I had to get it finished quickly, so on Sunday I bribed did a deal with my kids amd promised I would take them out cycling if they let me finish the quilt, and got to work at top speed.

Kids on bikes

I added a thin border in one of my favourite Any Butler prints and a wider white border. I quilted it using diagonal straight lines in the middle and then straight lines round the edges. The quilting is far from perfect, but I think it will look good once it's washed and crinkles up.

Back of Summer Sampler Quilt

I got her to write a little message for her Mum and pieced it into the back.

The quilt is now on it's way over to Ireland and I really hope her Mum likes it! I really enjoyed speding the money my friend paid me for the quilts - on more fabric! Can't wait for my postie to bring me some packages!

Hope you're having a good week!
Fiona x


  1. oooh this looks good - like the diagonal straight line quilting!

  2. Gorgeous runners! Your quilt is fabulous, lucky lady who receives this one!

  3. Looks like you had an excellent swap! I love the runners, both given and received. And your sampler quilt is one of my favorites that I've seen. I think the borders and quilting were great choices!

  4. I really love the quilting on your summer sampler and might just have to use the same on my Brit Bee Sampler that is still not quilted. I have been pondering on this for ever now and am/was thinking to have a more elaborate (non straight line)pattern done by Trudi or a longarmer but seeing the diagonal lines on this sampler I might actually quilt it on my machine just like that.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  5. This post makes me so happy! Lucky you with your beautiful new runner. I was eyeing this in flickr! I love, love, love the runner you made and am hoping it's on its way to me :)
    Your sample is just spectacular. Well done! xx

  6. I lvoe both runners :) Beautiful! And your summer sampler quilt is just wonderful, great finish! You are going to be so 'delighted' when your packages arrive :)

  7. Amazing SS quilt Fi, really lovely!

  8. It turned out beautifully - and paid for the pleasure, bonus!

  9. oh wow - you finished that sampler to sell it!? I can't imagine that your friend's mum won't be thrilled! And your runners - the one you got is beautiful - as is the one you made. It sure better make its way to its destination - it's the talk flickr!! ha. You do lovely work.

  10. An amazing gift Fi! Beautiful. And you got a lovely table runner too! Jxo

  11. The table runners are gorgeous! Love the trees, so cute.

  12. Love those runners, and that quilt looks fab - bribery and corruption gets you everywhere ;o)

  13. Love the quilt and the diagonal quilting! Oh, and the runners are both fabulous...I'm hoping the one you made accidentally ends up in my house! Did you enjoy the bike ride as much as the kids did?!!

  14. Oh, my goodness! I love both runners. Gorgeous!

  15. What lovely table runners! Your swap partner will be thrilled!

  16. I so love the table runner you made and the one you received! Your quilt is stunning, I am sure it will be well loved.

  17. Came across your adorable table runner on pinterest and had to find the original source so here I am. Love your blog. Off to explore some more!


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