Wednesday 13 August 2014

An update on Bertie

A few people have been asking how Bertie's getting on and I didn't want to say until he'd had his 5 month vet check (I'm quite superstitious) I thought he was looking great with a shiny coat, a soft but trim little body, loads of energy and a very waggy tail, but I didn't know what was going on inside him. He visited the vet this morning and she declared him an almost perfectly healthy puppy! All the major things that they were concerned about have resolved themselves!
Lots of love, fun and good food seem to been the best medicine for him. I can tell you now he's a happy, healthy, mischievous, cute rascal! Yay!!!!!

On another note, our schools go back tomorrow (where has the summer gone???) so I'll hopefully have a bit more time to show you the very small amount of sewing I've been doing in the last few weeks.

Fiona x