Monday 21 November 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Thankyou all for your lovely comments on my last post!

Due to a technical fault (I can't get the prtScn button on my keyboard to work!) I can't show you an image of the Random Number generator, so I went for the Blue Peter approach instead........


Comment number 30 is the winner of one of the cushion covers ..............Archie The Wonder Dog  - Yay!

who said

"Congratulations on being in FQly - both cushions are stunning! I'd love to give a good home to one of them - thank you for such a fabulous giveaway!"

I'll send you an email just now :)

I really enjoyed doing a giveaway and might do another one soon!

Hope you have a good week and thanks for visiting!
Fiona x


  1. WOW congratulations Helen - that's potentially 2 cushions you'll receive in 1 week - the BQS one and one of these - lucky girl ;o)

  2. Congratulations Helen, you lucky thing!

    I don't know how I managed to miss your last post, Fi. Congratulations on being featured in FQ - both cushions are seriously wonderful!

    I don't know either how I just managed to stitch round the whole of a lined bag right side to wrong side, duh! Back to the unpicking....

  3. Congratulations Helen! What a great home that beautiful cushion will have! Great come back Fiona!

  4. Eeek!! I'm doing my mutley impression at the same time as a happy jig! Thank you so much! I've emailed you with my preference and address but for those people wondering...I chose the one with the squares and the scrappy border! Thanks again (I'm so excited!) H xx

  5. Congrats to the winner. =)

  6. Congrats to Helen! Lucky duck! Jxo

  7. I already read in Helen's blog that she had won. I was nice but really I am dead jealous! Well, if it couldn't be me then so pleased it was a bloggy friend.

  8. Hee hee, and not a bit of sticky back plastic in sight...


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