Wednesday 14 November 2012

A Little Etsy pop-up shop

Just a quick little post to say Hello and let you know I've Just opened a little destash shop on Etsy, which you can visit here.

I've already listed a few things from my out-of-control stash and I'm planning to be listing more over the next few days.

I've managed to figure out how to add a discount code to the shop, so I'd like to offer my lovely blog readers an extra 10% off if you see something you fancy. Just use the code OPENING10

Happy shopping!
Fiona x


  1. Glad to help! Like I needed another reason to but fabric- but I am super excited cos there's no way I could resist! Thank you!!!

  2. Good luck with your pop up shop Fiona!

  3. Congratulations on your new little shop!

  4. good luck with your shop - destashing makes room for new acquisitions so that's motivation right there!

  5. Woo hoo! I'm so excited for you! I'm off to have a peek/shop!

  6. It looks like some pretty things in there....


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