Wednesday 14 August 2013

A finished quilt and a ticket

 I can finally show off a quilt that I made a wee while back.

It's in the current edition of Creative Quilting, which is a special edition and was being launched at the Festival of Quilts last week. you can buy it in WH Smiths or order it online here

The quilt is made using a jelly roll and I will be teaching how to make this quilt at the Stitch Gathering in Edinburgh later this month.

The magazine is packed with really beautiful projects including a stunning quilt by the lovely Jo, who is the Mastermind behind the Stitch Gathering, as well as some other really gorgeous projects. The photography is really lovely!

Speaking of the Stitch Gathering, I have made my ticket :)

Jo had the brilliant idea to produce a fabric ticket that can be personalised by each attendee, and turned into a quilt! How clever is that?!?

Our schools went back today so I am finally managing to get stuff done, and am hoping that more time means more blogging :)

Here is how my little lovelies looked this morning

Happy Wednesday!
Fiona x


  1. Congrats on having your quilt published! It's quite a looker :)

  2. really lovely quilt fiona, and the gang look so cute :-) x

  3. Congratulations Fiona! It is a beautiful quilt! The ticket is awesome too. The kids look so cute!

  4. Congratulations on the quilt, it looks great! Can't believe your kids are back at school already - where did the summer go?

  5. Adorable little lovelies, how they are growing! Clever ticket idea and the Stitch Gathering projects look inspiring.

  6. lovely quilt! I can't believe how early school starts up there (although I guess you break up that much earlier too!)

  7. OOooooo wow huge congratulations on getting published! Gorgeous quilt, I love Sweetwater loads.

    Finally I can see the benefit of school breaking up earlier in Scotland ... you get to ship them off again earlier! They all look very happy in their uniform :)

    Love what you have done to your ticket - can't wait to see all these tickets made up into one big super duper quilt! I wish I could go to the Stitch Gathering ... looks like it will be a blast.

  8. Great quilt - I love it. Hope the children have had a good day at school! Mine go back next Wednesday. Juliex

  9. Great quilt and your little family are growing up fast!

  10. Well done on a lovely quilt publish. I haven't even got my head round schools going back yet!

  11. That's such a pretty quilt! And don't your 3 look smart. Bet they didn't come home so neat! *g*

  12. Very cool on the magazine, and love the ticket. Did the kids look that smart this evening? :oD

  13. Well done you. Your children look adorable (I bet it lasted all of 30 seconds!)

  14. Such a gorgeous quilt - congratulations on being featured! Your bairns are very, very cute!

  15. Congratulations on your first quilt publication. It's a lovely quilt! Looks like summer is over! Enjoy some extra sewing time!

  16. Stunning quilt Fi! Well done on being published! Cute pic of your kids - your daughter is your double!! Jxo

  17. Congratulations on being published, that is such a lovely quilt too. And your kids look so cute!

  18. Gorgeous quilt, and your kids are cuties too! They look fairly close in age? Hope you had a great summer together.

  19. Hi Fiona, I love your quilt. Congratulations on being published!


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