Hello! Next weekend is the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London and I'm getting excited! I'm joining the FQ Retreat linky party going on over at the Fat Quarterly Blog with a lot of other bloggers who'll be there next weekend.

For anyone who is new to my blog, I am Fiona, I'm 37 and I look like this on a good day
And this on a no-make-up-Sunday.
Actually, although the second picture is a few years old, I look more like the chubbier version now as I've piled on the pounds in the last few months.
I live outside Glasgow with my husband, 3 kids and our springer spaniel puppy. I work part-time doing technical support and I've been sewing since I was a little girl when I made stuff for my Sindy dolls on my Granny's old hand-crank Singer. I made clothes for myself all through school and uni. I'm tall at 5'10" and got fed up of always buying men's trousers because the women's ones weren't long enough!
I discovered quilting about 5 years ago and I love it!
I'm travelling down to London by bus overnight on Friday night (urgh!) so I might be a bit bleary-eyed when I meet everyone on Saturday morning!
On Saturday morning I'm doing Frame Purses with Katy, Saturday afternoon Embroidery with Aneela, Sunday morning Freezer Paper Piecing with Kerry and Sunday afternoon Portholes with Lu.
I'm staying Saturday night at the Radisson and sharing a room with my lovely pal Terri
I'll be wearing this (made for me by the lovely Lisa)
and carrying this
and I can't wait to meet everyone!!!!!!
Fiona x